LPDC (Local Professional Development Committee)

The Alexander Local LPDC is responsible for verifying contact hours and college coursework you have successfully completed to renew your 5 year license. You must complete 180 contact hours to renew your professional teaching certificate. Before your certificate expires, you will need to make and appointment with the LPDC committee to review your contact hours and/or college coursework. Once that has been completed, the committee will provide you with the appropriate paperwork to help you complete the renewal process.

If a teacher fails to renew their teaching license by June 30 of the expiration year, it will take 9 semester hours of college coursework to successfully obtain a vaild teaching license.

Renewal Schedule

The following employees have a license(s) that expire in:

2024: Sam Booth, Rebecca Busch, Laurel Doubrava Jones, Justin Giddy, Jennifer Hughes, Shauna Kostival, Shelly Mansfield, Lisa Matheny, Jennifer Ray, Erin Roush, Marilyn Scurlock, Connie Sheets, Darla Sheets, Benjamin Shultz, Erin Shultz, Mary Ann Welsh

2025: Ron Addis, Kirk Crow, Adam Cullum, Dan Doseck (3), Aimee Francis (2), Morgan Hafner, Katherine Holdcroft, Karmin Holzaepfel, Charla Johnson (2), Jala Mace, Malinda Mowry, Kerry Payton, Elizabeth Poston, Lee Raines (5), Julie Rice, Matthew Rosler, Jessica Rumley, Lindsay Schaller, Kenny Slone, Stephanie Stamper, Erica Swart

Resident Educators license expire in:

2023: Jansen Jeffers, Madison Geisige

2024: Emily Legenza

2026: Morgan Grinstead (alternative license), Jenna Jordan


Tracy Lawrence, Dave McLaughlin (2), Jennifer Norris, and Mary Ann Welsh

(#) Refers to the number of licenses.

Fees: Renewal or transition of 5-year license (Please note the $25 of the fee is non-refundable)

$200 for the first license type and $20 for each additional license or type requested with the same effective year,$20 to align a certificate or an expiring license to an existing 5-year license,$20 to correct effective year

A certificate may be transitioned to a 5-year license at any time all requirements have been met.

An application for a 5-year renewal may be submitted only after NOVEMBER 1 of the year of expiration, but at the time of renewal the license may be aligned to an existing 5-year professional license

LPDC Committee Meeting Dates for the 2023-24 School Year are as follows:

  • Monday, October 2, 2023

  • Monday, November 6, 2023

  • Monday, March 4, 2024

  • Monday, April 8, 2024

  • Monday, May 6, 2024

Renewal Materials

Please bring the following to your renewal meeting: 

  • A copy of your license/certificate

  • College transcripts

  • All proof of professional development

After the meeting: (after November 1st) and before the certificate expiration you will need to follow the steps for renewing on-line. 
You will also need to get an FBI background check (if your fingerprints have expired) at the Athens-Meigs ESC at the former Chauncey Elementary School in Chauncey, Ohio. The results will be sent by the ESC to ODE. Once you receive an email confirmation, you may begin counting your credits/hours by the date that appears on your license. Therefore, the sooner the application is mailed, the better!